District 6 email address california. , Chino, CA 91710 (909) 628-1202, Ext.
District 6 email address california 7575 Metropolitan Dr. Follow on Facebook ,Instagram, and Twitter for District 6 updates! Visit Link LB and sign up for our newsletter! » Select - Create an Account » Under City Council - Check off Council California State Legislator Contact Info Senator / District Cities Represented Capitol District Email Ben Allen / 26 Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, S. Skip to main content Image . , Chino, CA 91710 I Would Like To Sign Up For The E-Newsletter. South Region (Kern and Tulare Counties) 1226 Olive Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93308 Hours: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM (559) 444-2518. 99 Pacific Street, Suite 575-F Monterey, CA 93940 Phone: (831) 657-6315 Fax: (831) 657-6320 Although Eastern Kern County is in District 6, it is maintained by District 9, headquartered in Bishop. 8 billion to repair highways and bridges and improve the state’s growing network of pedestrian, bicycle and mass transit routes. gov. General Information. - 5:00 p. District 6 Land Surveys Office. Email Mike; Subscribe to Mike's Newsletter; Napa, CA 94558. Member Back to Member Detail . 1520E N. Contracts for 10-Day Review. For alternative contact information, please verify your representative by following the link provided below: Find Your California Representative: https://findyourrep. District 8 - Mai Vang. District@jud. Councilmember (District 4) 440 Civic Center Plaza Claudia Jimenez. 8 Billion Investment Will Repair Roads, Improve Pedestrian, Bicycle and Mass Transit Access The California Transportation Commission approved Wednesday more than $1. 1021 O Street State Of California Name: Organization: Chloe Doyle Caltrans District 6 Christie Lee Caltrans District 6 Caltrans District 6 Jessica McAvoy Caltrans District 6 Linda Hunter CalMentor Program Stephanie Rodriguez Caltrans District 6 . 1750 robert_nelson@chino. District Office: 60 W. 1021 O Street, Room 7110 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 651-4006 E-mail: Senator. 450 Civic Center Plaza, 3rd Flr. 835 E 14th Street Civic Center San Leandro, CA 94577. Vice Mayor District 4 Email: Mayor Catherine "Cat" Moy (At-Large) (707) 639-0500 cmoy@fairfield. Pam Bertani. Schmerelson; Ref Rodriguez Capitol Office. gov Customer Service Requests Non-Emergency (staffed Monday-Friday, 8AM to 4PM). 4700, to schedule an appointment. The list below shows the address and telephone number of each District Claims Office, and the counties served by that District Claims Office. Home; Monterey District Office. MI? Attach Background Information? If you have any questions or need to request services, please contact us by phone during regular business hours at the numbers below, fill out the form on this page to send us a message, or email us directly. The physical address of the City Clerk's office is 555 Santa Clara Street, Third Floor, Vallejo, California 94590. Office of the Clerk Find your members of Congress by typing in your address on Congress. San Francisco, CA 94102-4689 Phone: (415) 554-5184 • Fax: (415) 554-5163 • TTY: (415) 554-5227 • Board. Phone Number. Fontana, CA 92335-5571 . com Email: rumpjohn0@gmail. Mailing VUSD is now enrolling TK students for the 2025-2026 school year. Fax: (707) 251-9800. CA 95353. Monica, Torrance 916-651-4026 310-318-6994 Senator. The general election was November 5, 2024. District 2. Reset High Contrast Dyslexic Font. District Office: 915 L Street Suite 110 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 324-4676 Fax: (916) 327-3338. View Most Recent Agendas and Minutes [email protected] - This distribution list includes the Mayor's email address and the six Council Members' email addresses Richard Vladovic (Board District 7) Mónica García - Board Member District 2; Article Library Board District 2; Steve Zimmer Board District 4; Mónica Ratliff (Board District 6) Office of the Inspector General; Scott M. District Office: 915 L Street Suite 110 District 6 1352 W. As of December 18th, 2021. (District 6) Biographies & Terms. Los Banos Unified School District 1717 S. The following persons report to the Deputy Director of Planning and Modal Programs, Marlon Flournoy: Candidates must live in their District and reside in that District once Elected. org City and County of San District 5 Director, Scott Eades; District 6/Central Region Director, Diana Gomez; District 7 Director, Gloria Roberts; District 8 Director, Catalino A. Maps and Geographic Information Systems. Suite 110 Clovis, CA 93612. Link: City Council Page. 641. Where We Are; CA PREP Request for Application 2018; CA PREP Questions and Answers for 2018 RFA; Contact Us; CAPREP-RFA-2021; CA PREP RFA 2021 Addendum #1; CA PREP Questions and Answers for 2021 RFA; CA PREP RFA 2021 Addendum #2; CA-PREP RFA 2021: Public Notice of Intent to Award The 6th Assembly District represents parts of Sacramento County, which include Antelope, Arden-Arcade, Carmichael, Skip to main content Home Facebook Instagram Twitter Email. Search Again. District 6 Claim Office P. Kim as an Associate Justice of Division One, and Judge Anne Richardson as an Associate Justice of Division Two of the Second District Court of Appeal. Image CA 95762. gov Bob Archuleta / 32 Pico Rivera 916-651-4032 562-860-3202 Senator. The primary was March 5, 2024. to 4:30 p. Email address for Amer Bata. us: 510-620-6565 Robinson, Doria Councilmember District 5: Email Sue Wilson: 510-609-2111 Brown, Jamelia Introduction. House districts, including the 6th Congressional District of California, held elections in 2024. Phone: (916) 786-5560. Whether you prefer to call, email, or contact them through social Saturday: 6 am; Sunday: 5 pm; Monday: 10 am; Agendas & Minutes. General NON-Surveying Questions - Brandi Schmidt - (559) 908-4384; Caltrans Real-Time GPS Networks; Surveys Consultant Information; Title VI Non-Discrimination ; Representative Ami Bera (1965 - ) In Congress 2013 - Present | . Home. Physical Address 1010 10th Street Mailing Address The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California P. All 435 House districts were up for On November 25, 2024, the Commission on Judicial Appointments unanimously confirmed the nominations of Justice Brian M. California, District 6 Send Me An Email: I value all feedback from residents of my district. Email Address * Select an Issue: * Comments * *Max Length Exceeded Your privacy is very important California Personal Responsibility Education Program. m. $2,500,000 - for Kedren South to fully fund and build the acute psychiatric wing in the new Psychiatric Acute Care Hospital & Children's Village in South Physical Address: 501 Poli Street Room 205 Ventura, CA 93002. Box 642 Modesto, CA 95353. Pining III; Program Director of Clean California, Walter Yu. 510-577-3357 Azevedo, Bryan Council Member District 2: 510-577-3357 Boldt, Dylan Council Member District 6: 510-390-1893 Viveros-Walton, Sbeydeh Council Member District 1 : 510-577-3357 CA 94577. Site Links. The Eastern District encompasses the largest geographical area of the four districts in California. Directions. Select the "Advanced Search" button below to see more advanced search options, such as searching for and obtaining a list Physical Address: View Map. February 14; Press Release; Reps. CA 95814 Phone: (916) 651 The Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District 333 W. Birth or Death Certificate. Sign Up For E-News. Akilah Weber Pierson was elected November 2024 to represent California’s 39th Senate District Read Full Bio. The filing deadline was December 8, 2023. SUBSCRIBE. Other Transportation Departments Nearby. DWR Headquarters: 916-653-5791 653-1074 or email media@water. Permit Services Our Capitol and district staff are always available to help you navigate the complex web of state agencies. Follow on Facebook ,Instagram, and Twitter for District 6 updates! Visit Link LB and sign up for our newsletter! » The Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District 333 W. Councilmember Tyler Maxwell of District 4 is running unopposed while the council’s new vice president, Mike Karbassi, faces Ontario Office. gov: Vice Mayor Pam Bertani (District 4) (707) 628-6974 pbertani@fairfield The physical address of the FPPC is 428 J Street, Suite 620, Sacramento, California 95814. Mailing Address P. gov Website: https: District 1, Department (State) of California is part of Area 1, located in Northern California, and includes the American Legion posts listed. wolf@dot. My new primary email address is: District of California from the dropdown menus, click on the "E-File Registration Only" button, and follow the Now that the City of Oakland has a new Mayor and city council has two new members serving Oakland constituents— Janani Ramachandran in District 4 and Kevin Jenkins representing District 6— we thought it would help to provide an updated quick guide about how to contact your council member. Public Records Act Requests. The “CITY” column has a link to The American Legion national website where more detailed information about the post is available. gov; District Attorney Tahoe Office. Archuleta@senate. For inquiries related to Section 504, please contact: Bianca Barquin, Assistant Superintendent, K-12 Teaching and Learning and District Section 504 Coordinator, 1601 E. Councilwoman Long Beach, CA 90802 Phone: (562) 570-6816 district6@longbeach. Suely Saro City Hall Office 411 W Ocean Blvd. ci. Saturday: 6 am; Sunday: 5 pm; Monday: 10 am; Agendas & Minutes. This web map displays California's K-12 public school sites and school district service areas for the current academic year. SD39 Offices. We are proud to serve a diverse coalition of neighborhoods that includes Downtown, Pittsburgh's Business District; Uptown, home of the Eco-Innovation District; the Hill District, home to Pittsburgh's rich cultural and arts legacy; parts of West and South Oakland; and the historic Steve Madison. RUSD educates nearly 40,000 students across 50 schools in Riverside. Phone: 805-654-7827. Olive Avenue P. Google Map Link opens new browser tab. A bushel of state legislators are retiring or seeking another office in the 2022 election. Santa Clara Street, Suite 1060 San Jose, CA 95113 Telephone: (408) 277-1004 Hours: 9:00 a. Martin Luther King Jr. Phone: (916) 651-4039. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Fresno County Transportation Tulare Street, Fresno, CA - 2. gov We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience. email Attorney Admissions: 415-522-2060: Criminal Justice Act Supervising Attorney: Diana Weiss: Mailing & Delivery Address: United States District Court 280 South 1st Street, Room 2112 San Jose, CA 95113: Calendar Clerks Northern District of California 450 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102. Dr. Email address for Hamed Hakimelahi. Luis Castro / District 4 Email Address: LCastro@losbanosusd. Capitol Office. officer@sausd. Zoom Link (if applicable) Arrival Time. Mayor and Council. Contra Costa County Courts. Biography; 510-620-6503 - Office 510-412-2070 - Text Email Mayor Martinez: January 2027: Soheila Bana. The California School Directory contains information about California public schools, District Address: 9680 Citrus Ave. | Clovis, CA 93611-0567 Phone (559) 327-9000 ¢erdot; Fax (559) 327-9109 ¢erdot; info@cusd. View Most Recent Agendas and Minutes [email protected] - This distribution list includes the Mayor's email address and the six Council Members' email addresses State and federal legislative district service areas approved by the 2020 California Citizens Redistricting Commission. Ashlan Ave. 11th St Los Banos, CA 93635 Phone: (209)826-3801 Fax: (209)826-6810. Name If you have any questions or need to request services, please contact us by phone during regular business hours at the numbers below, fill out the form on this page to send us a message, or email us directly. District 7 100 South Main Street, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 897-3631 (213) 897-0420 FAX Welcome to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. gov All U. You can find the job listing on the courts career website under Job ID 6356. Phone: (707) 226-9898. Market Street, Suite 110 The California School Directory contains information about California public schools, district, or school name, County-District-School (CDS) code, status, city, zip, type (school, district), or sector (public, private). Lane Closure Requests: D6Permit. us. Pasadena High School, 2925 E Sierra Madre Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91107, USA. Supervisors@sfgov. Al Bennett Coordinator, Child Welfare and Attendance District Section 504 Coordinator Title II Coordinator (Students) Chino Valley USD 13461 Ramona Ave. District Office. richmond. Phone: (209) 550-6910. Suite #7310. Home Facebook Instagram Twitter Email. Stay Connected. Public Meeting Agendas. Box 54153 Los Angeles, CA 90054-0153 Email [email protected] Legislative Offices. E-mail: The 6th Assembly District represents parts of Sacramento County, which include Antelope, Arden-Arcade, Carmichael, Elverta, La Riviera, Rio Linda, and Sacramento. Council Agenda Documents. To accurately determine your district, please contact your local county registrar or elections department. Contact Your Local Maintenance Office. Box 12616 Fresno, CA 93778-2616 Counties: Fresno, Madera, Kings, Kern, Tulare. 1021 O St. com About Parents Students Community Departments Caltrans District Office Contact Number FAX Number Coordinator Email; Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Lake: District 1, Eureka 1656 Union Street Eureka, CA 95501 (707) 445-6563 (707) 441-2025: bill. The Clerk’s Office in Ventura (Division Six) for the Second District Court of Appeal is open to the public. Phone: 209-577-5200. About; Helping You; Newsroom; Contact; About; Helping You; Facebook X-twitter Instagram Youtube California Public Records Act. Unit@dot. ADA Related Assistance. Mr. Capitol. Councilmember District 6: Claudia_Jimenez@ci. Please enter your zip code below to continue: Zip: +4: Contact. Allen@senate. 915 L Street, Suite 110, Sacramento, CA 95814; (916) 324-4676 Council District 6 Councilwoman Dr. S. Phone/Email Term Expires; Eduardo Martinez. Return to the Department of California – Find a Post. 473. Olive Avenue Fresno, CA 93728 (559) 488-4058 (559) 445-6510 FAX. Link: http://www. Catherine Moy. Parking: Paid/attendant long- and short-term parking garages are located on Almaden Boulevard. North Region (Fresno, Kings and Madera Counties) 1635 W. Modesto, CA 95354. Office Information. Sacramento County District Office 8950 Cal Center Drive Building 3, 200 N Spring St, Ste 470, Los Angeles, CA 90012. 11th Floor, Long Beach, CA 90802 (562) 570-6816 district6@longbeach. JOIN MY EMAIL LIST. Email: gcinfo@dgs. Find out about meetings, request City services through OAK 311, or contact the Mayor and City Council. Daniel Lavelle welcomes you to District 6. gov The official website of the City of Oakland. The District 6 council election is the only race in the March primary without an incumbent up for reelection. P. Ashby. The Office of Council President R. legislature. Office Address: 90 W. 415-522-2000. Toggle search form and secondary navigation. Check out our City Council Interactive Story Map. 1020 15th Street. Staff. Phone: 805-654-7800. Please don’t hesitate to contact our Capitol or District Office, or select the best link below for your request, and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. k12. Legislative Management. Management. San Diego. Phone: (909) 460-6064 $145 Million in Direct Investments for the District & Statewide: $1,250,000 - for the South Bay Center for Counseling to support the expansion of the Strength Based Community Change’s Thriving Families Well-being Initiative. Minutes are available following approval. Mountain Ave. Matsui United States Courthouse, 501 "I" Street, Sacramento, 95814. Lori Gattuso District / 6 Email Address: LGattuso@losbanosusd. Stockton, CA 95205. Suite 11. District 6 Fresno Offices Map: Fresno Metropolitan Area Map ; District 6 Website. Kiley will also introduce legislation to make the Office of Commercial Space Transportation report directly to the Secretary of Transportation. Sacramento, CA 94249-0006 Phone: (916) 319-2006 Fax: (916) 319-2106. Event Venue & address. Applications: District6EncroachmentPermits@dot. (96001) District 6. CA 91107, USA. Mayor Fugazi's Boards, Commissions and Committees Eureka, CA 95502-3700 Counties: Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino. Quite a few Californians have moved from one place within the state to another during the pandemic. Click here to email Congressman McClintock. Contact Me Settings. General info: Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 5230, Sacramento, CA 95814. E-mail: Sixth. Email. Permit Services Sacramento County District Office 8950 Cal Center Drive Building 3, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95826 Phone: (916) 635-0505 Fax: (916) 635-0514 Physical Address 1010 10th Street Modesto, CA 95354. ca. See the Elections web page for more written comments (up to 1,000 characters) for the City Council’s consideration and inclusion in the public records, email the city clerk by 3:00 p. In TK, your student will make new friends, and learn pre-reading and math skills through play. Sacramento, CA 95814 . us/CityCouncil The Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District is currently accepting applications for the position of Appellate Court Attorney (Level B-Senior). gov . CA 94249-0006 Phone: (916) 319-2006 Fax: (916) 319-2106. Steve Madison was first elected in 1999 to represent District 6, which includes the beautiful West Pasadena neighborhoods above the Rose Bowl and in Southwest Pasadena, much of Old Pasadena, the Art Center College of Design, the Convention Center & Civic Auditorium, most of the Arroyo Seco, the historic Colorado Street Bridge and Fresno, CA 93778-2616. on the meeting CA 93001. The Clerk's Office of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division is located in Room 4-200 on the 4th Floor of the Robert T. Community outreach email: communityouteach@placer. To obtain records, submit your request to DWR’s Public Records Request Portal. net Link opens new browser tab: Superintendent: Miki Inbody State Of California Name: Organization: Chloe Doyle Caltrans District 6 Christie Lee Caltrans District 6 Caltrans District 6 Jessica McAvoy Caltrans District 6 Linda Hunter CalMentor Program Stephanie Rodriguez Caltrans District 6 . Find Us. Courtroom: Physical Address: 440 Civic Center Plaza Richmond, CA 94804. District 2 Local Assistance Nicole Fortner 1657 Riverside Dr. To schedule an event, please submit the following scheduling request form. Division 6. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0006; (916) 319-2006. Matt is a City government veteran who most recently served on the command staff of the SFPD as the department’s communications director. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0029 Tel: (916) 319-2029 Fax: (916) 319-2129. 7: 00 PM - 10: 00 PM. Written materials may be sent to City Council PO Box 3420 Chico, CA 95927 We are here to serve the residents of the 5th Congressional District. Long Beach, CA 90802 Phone: (562) 570-6816 district6@longbeach. com Post: 3000 Post: 11012 With schools dating back to the 1870s, the award-winning Riverside Unified School District (RUSD) is the 16th largest school district in California. I need to update the email address associated with my records. Name Title Email Phone District 6: Email Mangone, Alex Councilmember - District 7: Email Return to Staff Directory. Capitol 1021 O Street, Room 7110 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 651-4006 E-mail: Senator. Newsletter Supervisor Matt Dorsey represents District 6. of. California Courts. Councilmember (District 6) 440 Civic Center Plaza Richmond, CA 94804 Council District 6 Map Release Date: 0001-01-01 . Mrs. Phone: 510-620-6581. Enter your California address to find your State Senate and Assembly representatives. Email the District Attorney. If you have any questions, please utilize the links to information provided or contact. 1021 O Street, Room 7150 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 651-4012 Fax: (916) 651-4916 Surveys We are currently undergoing system updates which may result in a delayed response time. Phone Directory Directions. Search. Chestnut Avenue, Santa Ana Check one: Member of the Central District Bar; CA Bar No: Current email address of record: SECTION II - UPDATED INFORMATION. Room/Hall. The district stretches from the Oregon border in the north to the Tehachapis in the south and from the Coastal Range in the west to the Nevada Border in the east. District Coordinator for Nondiscrimination Equity Compliance Officer Chino Valley USD 13461 Ramona Ave. Niello@senate. House of Representatives in the 119th Congress. Find Your California Representatives. We can be reached at (916) 786-5560 or (202) 225-2511. Capitol Office: State Capitol P. Use the Interactive GIS Map to enter your address and see what district you are in. , Chino, CA 91710 (909) 628-1202, Ext. 7006 Physical Address View Map 10810 Justice Center Drive Suite 240 Roseville, CA 95678 Media relations email: DAMedia@placer. District 6 News $1. District 6 - Eric Guerra. Fax: 510-620-6824. Email Senator McGuire / Support or Oppose a Bill EDD Assistance world-class, multi-use rail-to-trail project connecting California’s San Francisco and Humboldt Bays. Physical Address: California Department of Transportation District 10 1976 East Dr. Blvd. gov Physical Address: 440 Civic Center Plaza Richmond, CA 94804. Clerk’s Office Hours: 9:00 a. Written materials may be sent to City Council PO Box 3420 Chico, CA 95927 The district prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or To determine which Council District you live in, please enter your address in the upper left corner of this webpage and click on the magnifying glass or contact us at (209) 937-8212. Map Gallery. Pine Avenue, Fresno, CA Santa Ana Unified School District/City of Santa Ana Council CA 92701, or by phone at (714) 558-5860 or via email at compliance. gov: Siskiyou, Modoc, Trinity, Shasta, Lassen, Tehama, Plumas: District 2, Redding 1657 Riverside Drive, MS-20 Redding, CA 96001-0536 WASHINGTON – Today Representative Kevin Kiley (R-CA) attended SpaceX’s Starship Flight 6, paving the way for future space exploration and American innovation. Richmond, CA 94804. Metered parking is available on Almaden Boulevard as well Physical Address: 501 Poli Street Room 205 Ventura, CA 93002. Hoffstadt as the Presiding Justice of Division Five, Judge Michelle C. Event Start. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM DOT LD-0274 NOTE: IF YOUR CLAIM IS FOR MORE THAN $12,500, SEE THE HEADING NAMED 1450 Herndon Ave. Use your residential address to find your California State Senate and Assembly representatives. Clerk. If you have any questions, you may contact the Hundreds of thousands of voters were shifted in the new California election districts drawn by the state’s independent redistricting commission. Bay Area Legal Aid. Learn More. Tami Cox Chief Public Information Officer (559) 488-4082; Email: District 10 PIO. All Star Musical - HADESTOWN: Teen Edition. District 6 Local Assistance Colleen Vidinoff 1352 W. Rep. Box 942836 Sacramento, CA 94236-0001. Please contact the Clerk’s Office, 805. The outcome of this race affected the partisan balance of the U. District 7 - Rick Jennings. Box 12616 Fresno, CA 93778 Telephone Number: 559-445-6996. Mayor. Email City Council Link: City Council Page. Request Arrival time for Sen. Quick Links. LCS@dot. City Council Office. District 6: Email David Wright: 2024: 2020: Contact Us. Careers. Convention and Cultural Services. Bera, Obernolte Relaunch California Public Higher Education Caucus . . 7 miles Provides public transportation services, including fixed-route bus service, paratransit service, vanpool service, and operates the Fresno Yosemite International Airport and the Fresno County Rural Transit Agency. TTY 711, in writing at Forms Management Unit, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814, or by email at Forms. Find Your Court; Newsroom; Self-Help On February 20, 2025, the District and United Teachers of Pasadena (UTP) Bargaining Teams met for the eighth bargaining session of the 2024-2025 negotiation season. fusd. Physical Address View Map 2501 N Lake Boulevard Tahoe City, CA 96145. DISTRICT - 5 DISTRICT - 6 Name: Dan Quirk Name: John Crump Address: 3114 Mildwood Ct Lancaster, CA 93536 Address: 525 Fresno St Maricopa, CA 93252-9749 Phone: 661-647-1394 Phone: 661-747-1569 Email: ctfdquirk@yahoo. Legislative Services Lana Haddad Section Manager (213) 217-6323. Mar 2 2025 Mailing Address California Department of Water Resources P. 805-654-7800 Representing the 6th District of California. District 6 Term Expires January 2029 [email protected] (707) 649-7711. Mailing Address: (909) 357-5012 Email: Information Not Available Web Address: www. Center for Sacramento History. Mar 1 2025. 700 North Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Physical Address 440 Civic Center Plaza Richmond, CA 94804. Modesto District Office. Building E, Suite 201 Ontario, CA 91762. O. Court Place 200 East Santa Clara Street Ventura, CA 93001 Tel: (805) 641-4700. Email address for Ben Consolacion. 213. O. koqnwpichqawlbolkrthpdnahcfhnxcthctpnhqhnnylrxttbjcmkhknrrpminvtngkrlozsmsywqqvoxv